Saturday 20 November 2010

Banker Ted


Coming soon a new comedy:

Banker Ted's Office

Banker Ted is sitting in his office of the Craggy Island Bank of Ireland. He is counting little green monopoly houses laid out on his desk. In walks Banker Dougal.


TED! I have a brilliant idea.


Really Dougal, as good as the one that lead to U2 moving all their cash to Holland ?


Oh yeah Ted that was a mistake. But this is brilliant.


Go on.


Well Ted why don't we just lend lots and lots of money to people to buy property. Property prices will go up and more people will jump on the whole band wagon thing and we can lend even more.


Any draw backs ?


Can't think of any Ted. It's win win for our bank.


Are we going to lend to just anyone ?


Yes Ted, it doesn't matter. If they can't afford the property to begin with, soon the rise in property prices will mean their assets easily cover their loans. They be rich spending all their capital gains on stuff.


That's brilliant Dougal. We had better just run it past the financial watchdog.

Banker Ted looks over at Financial watchdog Jack Sitting in a chair in Ted's office. He seems asleep.


Watchdog Jack, could you take a look at this proposal.

Jack wakes up surprised


Feck off.

Ted hands Jack a piece of paper.


There is a drink in it for you.


Drink! Drink!

Jack signs the piece of paper. Dougal hands Jack a drink with one hand while yanking the piece of paper off him with the other.


(Looking at paper)

It's blank Ted ?


Don't worry Dougal we just fill it in above the financial regulators signature. Lets get lending


Some time passes.



Well Ted it's going well, we have lent all our money but people want more.


Um. Well we have reached our capital ratio limit. How to lend more ?

Ted is deep in thought, while Dougal looks confused, when in walks Mrs Doyle pushing a trolley full of cash.

Ha Mrs Doyle what do you have for us today ?

Well Banker Ted how about a nice cup of tea and €300 Million in cash from a German bank, to lend on to all those wanna be home owners?


€300 Million well that's quite a lot there Mrs Doyle

Mrs Doyle dumps a huge pile of cash on Ted's Desk'


How about a lovely £2bn from English banks.



Two Billion pounds! Did you hear that Dougal. Ooh I am not sure.


Oh go on Ted.


Can we inject that amount of cash into the economy without causing problems?




I'm not sure.



Mrs Doyle dumps a huge pile of cash on the table. You can barley see Ted sitting behind the pile.



Mrs Doyle turns the trolley around and walks out. Dougal looks wide eyed at the cash.


See Ted we must be doing something right. The whole of European Banking is throwing cash at us.


Finally Dougal we are being respected around Europe as a serious economy.


Ted can I buy the Roy Keane duvet cover and pillow case set now ?


Why not Dougal, why not. I will give the Porsche showroom in Dublin a call as well. What can go wrong?

Dougal thinks then has a scared look on his face.


Well it could turn out to be just a whole pyramid selling type scheme. This leads to the total collapse of the economy.


Go on there Dougal.


Which could result in Ireland loosing it's independence even before we celebrate a 100 years of independence.


Gosh now that would be embarrassing if we did that. I hear U2 and The Corrs are practicing already for that party.


We would look like a right bunch of idiots if we let happened wouldn't we Ted.


We would Dougal. But look at all this cash we can't be idiots can we.


No Ted we can't.

Dougal and Ted gaze at the pile of cash with big smiles on their faces. Suddenly Financial Watchdog Jack wakes up startled.


Thursday 11 November 2010

The Red Top News Nov2010

Let them eat cheese:

Anger as Ireland plans handouts of cheddar to the poor.

The country may be a few heartbeats away from intervention by the International Monetary Fund but today the Irish government had a novel message for the public: let them eat cheese.

Brendan Smith, the agriculture minister, announced a European Union-funded scheme today that will enable the country to tuck into the EU's cheese mountain. 53 tonnes of fresh cheddar will be distributed from 15 November with collection centres in towns and cities around the country.

The minister said the scheme was "an important means of contributing towards the well-being of the most deprived citizens in the community".

"I am very conscious that many people find themselves in difficult circumstances at present and I want to commend the work of the many charitable organisations who are working on the front line to bring what comfort and relief they can," said Smith.

The initiative was immediately attacked by the opposition Fine Gael party, who called it an insult to the country, which is suffering the worst financial crisis in its history.

Fine Gael's agriculture spokesman, Andrew Doyle, said: "People on the breadline would rather the government's attention was on solving the economic crisis they caused and providing jobs rather than on this ridiculous announcement.

German finance minister says "With all due respect, US policy is clueless,"

Critics said the $600bn (£370bn) of QE announced by the Federal Reserve would hurt consumers by pushing up prices of soy, wheat and other staple foods, along with oil, copper and zinc.

The jump in commodity prices raised the prospect of an inflationary bubble reminiscent of 2008, when oil and other industrial raw materials struck all-time highs just before the crash.

UK food prices were 9.8% higher last month than a year ago, the biggest annual increase since October 2008, according to the Office for National Statistics. Imported food prices climbed 4.5% on the year, the fastest rate since October 2009, pushing up the price of bread and margarine. Prices are likely to be pushed higher in coming months, with refined sugar reaching a record of $783.90 a tonne today.

China, Germany and Brazil warned that QE would have far-reaching negative effects beyond US shores. They said it amounted to promoting US exporters at the expense of rival trading nations with a scheme to artificially depress the value of the dollar.

"With all due respect, US policy is clueless," said German finance minister Wolfgang Schäuble. "[The problem] is not a shortage of liquidity. It's not that the Americans haven't pumped enough liquidity into the market. And now to say let's pump more into the market is not going to solve their problems."

Symbolic moves by the Bank of Japan. Economists get their Microscopes out.

JAPAN’S economy has long been sickly. It now also has to contend with a stronger yen, thanks in part to loose monetary policy elsewhere in the rich world. That alone gave the Bank of Japan (BoJ) reason to act on October 5th. So too did criticism that it has not done enough to spur the economy, which has inspired Japanese politicians to suggest legislation to weaken the central bank’s independence.

Whatever its motivation, the BoJ this week took three modest but symbolic steps. First, it lowered its policy rate from 0.1% to a range between zero and 0.1%. That signals to the market, and to disenchanted politicians, that the BoJ cares.

The Red Top Economic correspondent comments.'That's right so low are Japans interest rate that they can't cut them anymore so they have to come up with a comment about a range somewhere between 0.1% and 0.0%. Yet the financial markets make no comment.

G20 summit at odds over global recovery pact.
"Sod globalization let national  protectionism begin."
Gathering on a group of three islands specially built for the summit near Seoul, leaders will spend the next two days in fraught discussions about how to iron out the growing rifts between export-rich countries and debt-laden consumer nations. Protectionism and foreign exchange rates will be central to the debate.

The United States wants China to allow the yuan to rise faster and believes that Beijing is keeping its currency low to gain a trade advantage. But the US negotiators face a rough ride, especially in the wake of last week's new $600bn round of quantitative easing, which has angered many G20 nations, including China and Germany, who believe the move is designed to weaken the dollar – boosting US exports – and ignores the global repercussions it is likely to provoke. Already the euro is at a two-year high against the dollar.



The G20 has announced a new scheme where anyone can hand in any unwanted gold and receive a cash payment. A spokesman for the G20 said 'As we represent the top 20 economies we can offer extremely good rates for the gold."

Asked by the Red Top Economics correspondent why they are offering such good rates for gold he said.

"Well we think it’s a good way of getting liquidity into the world economy. Also it means we will possess all the gold when we introduce a new world currency backed by gold. While all the little people own greatly devalued some would say almost worthless paper money.

It’s win win, err if you’re a government, bank or an investor who holds most of their assets in precious metals.”

Monday 1 November 2010

The Red Top News -Nov2


GCHQ intercepts phone calls of the Cargo plane



The Red Top News investigative team have obtained the transcript of the Government Communications Headquarters (GCHQ ‘s ) phone intercepts of the failed Al-Qaida cargo plane bombers calling their technical team. Read exclusively the shocking truth about these evil doers.

Technical Support: Hello Jihad IT Support how can I help ?

Al-Qaida man: Hello, yes I would like to report a problem with a printer.

Technical Support: Have you tired turning it on and off ?

Al-Qaida man: Yes we did.

Technical Support: Have you made sure the paper tray is in correctly?

Al-Qaida man: The paper tray? It’s not that sort of printer. It the HP 720 God is Great printer.

Technical Support: Hang on I will just look it up on the knowledge base. OK here we are common known problems. Did you replace the standard Toner cartridge with the Toner cartridge containing Pentaerythritol tetranitrate (PETN ) explosive ?

Al-Qaida man: Yes of course we did!

Technical Support: Ok sir calm down just doing my job and running through the check list. Did you attach a phone, watch or other similar timing device?

Al-Qaida man: Yes yes. Look can I talk to someone senior.

Technical Support: Sir sir we are just going through the checks. Did you set the printer to print A3 Landscape?

Al-Qaida man: Err hang on. Youssef did we set the printer to A3 Landscape? (Pause) No we didn’t

Technical Support: I see sir that is your problem. Setting it to A3 Landscape arms the device.

Al-Qaida man: OH sod it.

Technical Support: One other note if you set the printer to printer letter size the Printer will explode just 5 seconds later. It’s a feature. Thank you for calling.

The Red Top News will update you on any new information we get.

Britain in Shock as it discovers Stephen Fry talks Bo*****s

The people of Britain were shaken to their cores when it was discovered that Stephen Fry actually just talks Bo*****s. After he said that; “Women only have sex with men as the price worth paying for a relationship.”

Paper uses unflattering picture in attempt to justify story.

A self-appointed expert in ‘Showbiz people talking crap’ Steve Smith said. ‘For years the nation has believed that Stephen Fry is an upper class, intellectual heavy weight with a rapier wit and an encyclopaedic brain with added thesaurus. However now we have discovered that he is just some bloke, who went to Cambridge, tells a few gags, is good at scrabble and just has a good memory of things he read on Wikipedia.”

Sharon talks about Fry
The Red Top News sent a reporter to talk to your average female night clubber out on a Saturday night. We interviewed Sharon at a London nightclub about what she thought of Mr Fry’s comment.
She said ‘I’m not sure what that Fry bloke is on about, there is nothing better on a Saturday night then going to my favourite night club; STD’s and having 6 white wine spritzers then talking to some bloke I just met and going home and shagging him. I mean it’s better than sitting at home watching X-Factor or something and crying into my Haagen Dazs, ain’t it! Perhaps he should go clubbing with me and the girls’

The Queen as declared a day of national mourning for its loss of a well loved genius.

(Giving customers the illusion of control of their financial destiny since 2001)

I will predict successfully the half time score of my favourite team’s football game this weekend.

I will tell my wife that the £300 going out the bank account was for important car repairs

I will raid the children’s xmas money fund.

I will max out my credit card with bets on the number of no balls bowled on the morning session of the 3rd days play of the 2nd ashes tour match.

I will break into the childrens piggy banks in a last  desperate bid to win back some of my losses.

I will give the keys of the house back to the bank.

I will hang myself.

Red Squirrels demand an apology from Harriet Harman.
Today the head of the Red squirrel community Mr S.Nutkin has demanded an apology from Harriet Harman after she compared Red hair rodents to the coalition Treasury secretary Danny Alexander.
Squirrel Butkin: Keynesian economist or just nuts ?
Mr Nutkin said. ‘This is an absolute disgrace comparing us to Mr Alexander who is soon to be one of the most vilified incompetent politicians in our nation’s history.
I mean even I can see the fundamental flaws in pursuing a liberal free market agenda during a global economic crises, a policy that was tried in the 1930’s during similar economic  conditions which lead to terrible economic times.” Mr Nutkin then coughs looked nervously around and nibbled on a nut before adding. ‘But then I am just a squirrel.


He went on. "All I am saying is why we can’t be compared to a nice Scottish red head like Karen Gillian. I have had enough of these politicians they don’t know what they are on about. All I will say is ‘NUTS to them.’

Economic News:

Prostitutes in Manchester rejoice at predicted rise in future earnings.

Prostitutes in Manchester say that see bright times ahead with forecasts of 50% rise in profits over the next 5 years. Especially amongst their older more established practitioners. Spokesmen said “I guess this is what they call the trickle down effect’. Divorce lawyers also predicted some good times ahead.


Lords Bank (Giving people an illusion of control of their finances since 1756)

For years we suggested for “The Journey” all you needed to do was invest in property and watch the value soar. We even suggested taking some of the equity out to enjoy some good times during “The Journey” Hey take a credit card out and enjoy cheap money on “The Journey”

Well it’s funny how things change on "The Journey” with it's little ups and downs so now we say


Even though we are offering a rate that barely covers you for the rise in inflation. SAVE (sob) please.

Want a mortgage for when things change in your life on “The Journey”? Well show us you have a 20% deposit. Because quite frankly in a worse case housing price crash, we want the first 20% of losses to be your money.

Lords Bank for the “The Journey”. Which when you think about it actually ends with your inevitable death, but we don’t show that in our adverts because we DO money not philosophy.

Tea Party Movement announce Foreign policy initiative
 to restore American Pride.


With the upcoming US mid-term elections and an eye on the next presidential elections the Tea Party movement’s spokesman Sarah Palin has declared the best way to restore American battered pride was to, quote; “Invade a nation which we have a chance of beating in a week.”
She went on to say that a successful show of military force that would last a week would perfectly match a Tea Party members  attention span for difficult news stories, and would get people waving the stars and stripes again. With a home coming parade, 6 films and 8 TV mini-series  about the invasion. The nation will once again be filled with pride and be able hold its head up high.

In preparing the public for the invasion Fox News has started running a series of programs entitled ‘PUERTO RICO, home of Islamic ,Communist, freedom haters.”

When the Red Top’s American correspondent pointed out to Sarah Palin that Puerto Rico was already an area which belongs to the United States, she responded. ‘Really I did not know that. I was just looking at a inflatable beachball with the image of the earth on it and just picked a small Island .Well that means we can still us the dollar I guess when we get there.”