Friday 16 July 2010


Paul the Octopus arrested for involvement in Betting Scam

The world of football was in a state of shock today as Paul the Octopus, famous for his world cup football prediction, was arrested and charged with being part of a global betting scam run by various underworld organizations.

The head of Interpol Pierre Le Plod, said ‘It seems many games in the world cup were fixed by criminal gangs from South America, Eastern Europe and China working together. However they needed a method to transmit the fixed result to people in on the scam, who were scattered around the world without leaving a paper or electronic trail.

This is where Paul the Octopus came in, he was told who the winner was before the games was played and then pick the team from the box accordingly. I mean who has ever heard of an invertebrate having such a run of success in predictions.

Our suspicions were raised when the Dutch team who are masters of beautiful football played the final like a pub team, trying to get them selves sent off. It seems the referees were not in on the scam.

Asked why an Octopus was used Le Plod responded. ‘It was an ironic joke by the Mafia, the Italian Mafia is know as ‘La Piovra’ or ‘The Octopus’ because they have tentacles in some many places.’


EXCUSIVE! Inside your Raunchy Roar Away err Red Top Tomorrow, Monty the mosquito will tell the full story of his holiday romance with Cheryl Cole.

Monty wants his side of the story told by The Red Top. Monty said ‘People say I am just a blood sucker after Cheryl’s money, but you only have to see the bites I left on her neck to show how passionate and in love we are.’

Read the full story tomorrow.

BP call in MI6 to stop leak

BP announced it was spending £300m and bringing in experts from MI6 to try and stop the leaking of damaging material about a possible deal BP did with Libya to release the Lockerbie bomber as part of an oil-for-terrorist-deal.

Said a BP spokesman,’ We are going all out to stop this leak, mainly by running a smear operation in the press against anyone who say they know about this. With help from friendly journalist in the pay of the security services, and if that does not work it’s 007 time, nudge nudge wink wink. Dead men can’t talk.

We call that a Top kill operation as well.’ The spokesman then began chuckling madly while stroking a white cat.


Have you been caught in a compromising position at a celebrity party and your picture splashed around the paper, but there are far worse ones posted on facebook?

Are you an up and coming politician who has a taste for wearing fascist uniforms, which you deny but there are loads of pictures of you dressed as Hitler on facebook?

Have you been caught drunk in a Muslim country, and all those drunken parties you have been to in the last 3 years are carefully recorded on facebook.

Did you go mental in the B&Q garden centre waving a rake over your head shouting ‘The daffodils are after me’ In court would your defence have been it was a moment of irrationality, however your facebook account shows your ramblings about evil flowers for the last 2 years.

WELL WORRY NO MORE!; facebook flannel is the service that will clean up your facebook account, to make you look squeaky clean.

How does it work ? Well once you think you are in trouble with the press or you have been arrested, you or your lawyer just tells us your prearrange code word and we upload the pre prepared squeaky clean face book. But hey don’t just listen to us, read this testimony from Dave.

’I was in a Middle East country and got caught with the daughter of a top local politician in a hotel room surrounded by wine bottles. I was stuffed. But thanks to Facebook flannel, they changed my facebook to look like I was a very religious person who spent the last year teaching theology around the UK. They even had pictures of me in church and I had 1532 followers of my weekly Sunday prayer facebook app.

So when the police burst into the hotel room. And found me standing with a bottle of wine in my hand and the girl on her knees in front of me. I was able to argue that I was just showing her how the Christian communion worked. I was cleared of all charges. Thanks facebook flannel’

Prices start at €20 a year for the basic package.

Sunday 4 July 2010

The Red Top News - An Apology to the England Football team

An Apology to the England Football team

In last weeks The Red Top News, we described the England football team as a bunch of over paid, incompetent, lazy, gutless, morons. Who passed, shot and defended like a under 5’s team. Our campaign to have the ‘Talent less tossers, tossed into the Tower as Traitors’ campaign was a great success. (We would like to thank the 329,898 Red top readers who text to vote on the £3.10 per text premium number. You have done England and our profits proud)

We believed that the rot in English football had reached as far as the manager, the FA and the youth program. We also laid the blame at the Premiership which we thought was once the greatest league in the world, but now was just full of kick n rush English players surrounded by some good foreign players.

However after Germany’s destruction of the Argentinean team, we now realise that we were mistaken and England are a great team filled with talented individuals who just happened to come up against a highly organized, efficient, counter attacking, killing machine err I mean football machine.(Ed No more war cliche please we need to export to someone who has money) That no country in the world could match.

We would also like to point out that the Premiership is still the finest league in the world. Don’t forget you can watch the Premiership for only £39 a month on the Super Sports Channel. (Super Sports Channel is part of our parent media company MEGA NEWS CORP) (Ed note. Sorry Chairman of Mega News Corp we didn’t mean to damage the brand, we didn’t think it through.)


Exclusive to the Super Sports Channels.

It has Sports, the are Super, it’s SUPER SPORTS

For £39 a month enjoy all the games of the English premiership, watch the big 4. Or is it the big 6 now, we are not sure, it all depends if any more billionaires owners turn up I guess.

Watch big game clashes Stoke v WBA, Wigan v Wolves on a wet and windy Wednesday night, Blackburn v Bolton in a mid table unimportant clash. Watch the battle of the Brummies Birmingham v Villa. Hear our commentators go on and on about the Premirship dream come true every time we talk about a Blackpool fixture.


Tune in to those great derby clashes Everton v Liverpool. Man Utd v Man City, Chelsea v Arsenal, as we endlessly build them up weeks in advance into the ‘Match of the season’ and then be disappointed when on the day it’s so dull and turgid, with no skill and people kicking lumps out of each other that you actually switch over to the discovery channel

Package also includes
La ligua, watch the mighty clash of Real Madrid v Barcelona and then watch uninterested at all those other Spanish clubs that you have never heard of but you may have been on holiday to somewhere that sounds similar.

Then there is the Budesliga, Bayer Munich v Hamburg and then clashes against teams you are really going to have to look up on a map.

Not forgetting our look at the Latin American leagues. Are the games fixed ? Are the referees corrupt ? Shout 'Shoot' at the TV as another soccer star is shot by a south american drugs gang.

Watch it all on the SUPER SPORTS CHANNEL


Are you dating or married to an extremely attractive East European lady?

One that everyone says is ‘Way out of your league’?

Does she look a bit like this?

Do you work for the government, military or weapons manufacture?

Does your partner have a kindly Russian Uncle who gives her lots of gadgets like laptops, pens, watches as gifts?

When asleep at night does she say things in her sleep like ‘The bear will be hibernating in Siberia tonight’ Which you put down to maybe her feeling home sick?

Does she enjoy photography and sketching?

If it's yes to most of these than please be calm. Keep looking at the computer screen or newspaper and then ring MI5 on 0800404040 because



Run, run for your life that rather nice, but large ring she wears probably contains a poison dart.