Monday 10 May 2010

Red Top Hung Parliament


Red Top Demands a Strong Leader

The Red Top says:

We are sick of the weak willed leaders of the political parties talking about coalition government. What the UK needs is a strong leader, that is why we are backing Adolf Hitler to lead the country.

Our reasons for backing Adolf:

1) When it comes to getting political parties working together, Adolf is your man, by abolishing all the political parties and sticking the politicians in prison. So leaving the job of running government to himself.

2) He has a proven track record of protecting the interests of Financiers and Industrialists like us, err we mean the interests of the common people.

3) When it comes to using ethnic minorities as scapegoats, to take the heat of the countries elites that got us into this mess, Mr Hitler fits the bill. And now he has even more material to work with, to set citizen against citizen.

4) The country is overcrowded and full of Eastern Europeans. Well Adolf has a great record of creating living space in the ‘East’ for the nation he leads. And with the east Europeans in our country they might tell us the best A roads to drive our tanks along when we invade Poland.

5) He will get the country working again; he greatly reduced unemployment the last time he was in power by getting the unemployment to build motorways and dealing with the Unions. That’s right he put them in prison as well.

6) He is Pro-European Union. But it will be on his terms. A greater Britannia with an ever closer occupation.. err union with our European partners.

So 6 good reasons to back the man who will save us from this ‘Democracy’ with all it’s long winded complicated negotiations, that the simple people of Britain fail to understand. All they want is a strong government that will save the countries economy and their house prices. Also MEGA News Corps profits. (Ed note ‘Sorry daddy for backing Cameron’)

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