Sunday 21 December 2014

The Red Top News Dec 2014

GOD admits hacking 20th Century Fox

In a Red Top Exclusive God has admitted hacking into 20th Century Fox film studios, because of their depiction of him in the Ridley Scott’s latest film Exodus: Gods and Kings.

God spoke to The Red Top News and said: “I was outraged by the portrayal of me in this movie, it shows me as some vengeful nutter, sending plagues of Locust, turning water into blood and most despicable  of all, killing the first born children of an entire nation. During the period this film is set, I was at the time in fact designing Kim Kardashian.(I missed placed the design and it took me 2000 earth years to find it again.) Anyway I warn those people at FOX any attempt to release this film you will see them all get a ticket to Hell. Running time Eternity with no popcorn!
(Ed. Apologies our picture editor seems to have left all pictures of Kim Kardashian on his home PC)

War on Terror Going well!

 No really it is.

After 13 years of the war on Terror the NATO troops are coming home. With all the blood and treasure spent (Ed. Err why do the media use that phase “blood and treasure” as though we are talking to a 10 year old ? What we mean is with all the dead and wounded troops and billions spent.) we look back at how western forces have reduced the terrorist threat.
 At the beginning of the 21st Century the Islamic terrorist threat was a couple of thousand men in the mountains of Afghanistan.
They were armed with small arms, maybe a few millions dollars and training camps which looked a like an adventure playground.
 Now after years of warfare we have reduce them to this.


Wait hang on they have trucks, and err tanks!!.
And rockets
They now occupy territory bigger than Wales!.
They are exporting Oil at a rate of a Millions dollars a week. They have a better balance of payments than most Western economies. Their social media campaign would put a lot of companies to shame!

Err we will come back to this one.


Xmas Gift Ideas.

Not sure what to get that relative that usually embarrass you with racists, sexists or homophobic remarks in public ? Then why not get them the UKIP beer glass.
When they are holding this, anything they say is no longer offensive. Now it’s all friendly banter, using every day local colloquialisms which everyone will chuckle at.
Only £10.99. Payment in euros not excepted.

Bankers from Sinners to Saints ?

Nope it's a Christmas cracker joke and it is on us.

In 2008 the world economy just survived a nervous breakdown in the international financial system. Trillions of dollars of tax payers money was used to shore up the systems, leaving many nations with massive increases in their national debt. (Ed. I thought that was caused by illegal immigrants living on benefit street?!) We now look at how the last 6 years have progressed with sounder more sensible financial policies as the banks have mended their earlier ways of casino banking.
Pork scratching each others backs.
Err well there were one of two minor issues.
1) Interest rates being fixed, the Interbank rate was fixed, banks were shown to have colluded and carried out fraud to set the rate for their advantage.
2) Then there was currency rate fixing where at least 15 banks again colluded to discuss types and volumes of trades they were going to make.
3) Oh and then there was the Gold Fixing err fixing scandal, where the gold price was manipulated for the advantage of major banks.
So no change there then.

Merry Xmas from the Red Top News and Happy New Year.

(Just look at the cute puppy and kitten)


Sunday 2 November 2014

The Red Top News November 2014

Middle East Crisis

The rise of ISIS in Syria and its rapid spread across Iraq has resulted in the US and other coalition partners taking action. So the situation we have is Extreme Sunni’s fighting Shia, Kurds, Alawawite and Christians. But then we have moderate Sunni’s also fighting  Shia in Iraq and Alwawites in Syria. With Sunni governments around the middle east fighting ISIS. While others in the same countries are funding ISIS. While all this fighting is going on Israel looks on. Clear ?

The Red Top Says err F****D

Ebola disease spreads across West Africa

The Ebola outbreak is spreading rapidly across West Africa. Rapid coordinated international action will nip this in the bud. Yeah right that's happening. The Red Top Says F****D

Prospects for the World Economy

In the last 6 years since the crash of 2008 we have seen record low interest rates across the world and central banks pouring billions of dollars into their economies, and now the IMF predicts falling world growth. The Red Top Says F****D

A reader's letter about the new The Red Top News
“Thank you  The Red Top News for your concise reporting. I can now spend a mere 5 minutes reading about world events. Yet I can then speak with authority about the news in the pub with my mates or at the water cooler with my work colleges.”
Kind Regards
Don T Care

Parliamentary powers of the United Kingdom

In the Scottish independence referendum, panic promises were made by political leaders to give more powers to the Scottish parliament. This has led to the Welsh Assembly demanding more powers; English MP’s demanding a rump parliament and the right to have the English MP's voting on English laws.

The Red Top Says F****D


Western powers thought they were being clever by overthrowing the Ukraine government of Viktor Yanukovych. Russia’s president Putin up the stakes but seizing Crimea and backing rebels in Eastern Ukraine. 
Now Ukraine has lost control of its eastern border, reliant on Russian gas supplies, and in debt. Oh but at least there is possible EU membership.
The Red Top Says err totally F****D